
44th Humbug / Deadsalmon #42 6014/ 2009

Rick Gavigan

Business owner, Vietnam Veteran 68-69, Past Commander VFW Post 9624 01-04, Past Scout Master BSA Troop 89 Lake Arrowhead.
He likes Clampin, great historians, good friends.
Been places I’d have never thought of, or seen,  since the Chasm of Death and Despair.

43rd Humbug / Deadsalmon #41 6013/ 2008

Neal Samson

Septic tank contractor/owner of Skunky Pumpers in Riverside County since 1982.
Was inducted into the Chapter at the 2000 Spring Doins.
First and hopefully the only PBC who attempted to set XSNGH Dr. Sidney Blumner on fire.

42th Humbug / Deadsalmon #40 6012/ 2007

Paul Renner

X Head Abbot #7.  TRASH Board. 
Science Department Chair at Mary Star of the Sea High School, San Pedro, Ca. 
Islander Sea Scout Ship 16. 
Owner of the world’s best dog.

41st Humbug / Deadsalmon #39 6011/ 2006

James “JJ” Jackson

Joined Billy Holcomb Chapter when it was 12 years old.
Depending on who you count, Jackson is Dead Salmon #39.
The ladder to Humbug took him 9 years.
Retired from management in the United States Postal Service.
Served in US Army 1964-70.
Fought in Viet-Nam as a rifleman with the Airborne Infantry.
Established the ‘Desert Strike’ and six chapter ‘Randsburg/Mojave Road monuments in 2006.

40th Humbug (Served Honorary, 1 Day) 6010/ 2005

L.T. Gotchy / Gone to the Golden Hills

Clamper for over 50 years.
WWII Veteran.
Worked for the Automobile Club of Southern California.
Had been everywhere there was to go in the desert.
It can be truly said “Been there, done that”.
Originally a Platrix Clamper,
ECV is much better for having him as a member.

39th Humbug / Deadsalmon #38 6010/ 2005

Bob Green

System Operator for Southern California Edison Company and resident of the Morongo Basin.